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Friday, July 29, 2016

Health Tip - Be Careful with Farm Raised Seafood

I think the idea of farm raised seafood is wonderful. The oceans are fished out and must be allowed to rest awhile and regenerate, yet many of us love seafood. Farm raising seafood is a great idea.

But, fish, shrimp etc. are easily contaminated, especially some that are often farmed. For example, catfish and shrimp both are scavengers and will eat anything.

Now, American and European aquatic farms are fairly well regulated and their products safe, reasonably. The same cannot be said of other countries. I have seen films of fish farms from various parts of the world and they are nightmarish. They are raising their fish and shellfish in a nasty mess of near sewage, they are far too overcrowded and, really, the only way they stay productive is by adding enormous amounts of hormones, pesticides and antibiotics.

I once got sick by eating tainted shrimp, imported from Thailand. I felt like the character in Alien who had the monster bursting out of his stomach and was sick for a week.

Retailers are required to mark where farm raised seafood was grown. Please, do yourself a favor and buy American. It is far safer, and besides, it is a good way to support American businesses and workers.

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