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Friday, June 24, 2016

Think Small - Cheap Fun

All too often, in our modern America, we equate fun with expense, with grand spectacles. It doesn't have to be that way.

Take my great love, music. To go to a big time show, be it rock, pop, country, whatever, it is going to cost a lot, a ridiculous amount. I hate to write these words because I sound like a typical old man, but when I was younger, I paid, on average, $6 to go see a rock show, featuring top bands, always at least 2 on a bill (the exception was The Grateful Dead, who were the only band that night, but then, they played 5 hour sets). Now, $6 won't even by 2 beers.

There are still bars and clubs that feature music, good music, that won't bankrupt you. There are, in some places, concerts put on by the city, generally outdoors, that are cheap or even free. There are a myriad of small fairs and festivals around the Nation. They often feature music, and, in addition, they generally have food, crafts, and rides. In general, they are a grand way to have some fun with little expense. I have seen, many times, musicians in small venues who were the equal of any big time performer out there. Often, they were better.

Like movies? Many communities, small ones generally, have what are called 'movies in the park night.' You pack some food, sit outside with others and enjoy a fine night and a cheap movie.

Like sports? Consider watching local kids teams or high school teams. The skills may not quite be there, but it's the same game and it is fun for little money. If your town has any minor league teams, support them. The idea is just to have some fun.

Golf? Well here you have some problems and this may, ultimately spell trouble for the game. Again, when I played, in the 60s and 70s, I never paid more than $12 for a green's fee, often less. Now, the cheapest I hear of is about $50. You cannot spread the game if parents have to pay that to take their kids out for a round, nor are beginners likely to want to pay that. Good news? There is a small movement among designers and pros to get small inexpensive courses built. Par 3 courses and short 9 hole courses can be run for a lot less money and they are fun. Actually, most folks who play are going to have a lot more fun on courses like that than they will struggling around 7500 yard courses.

Take advantage of beaches and parks and of any inexpensive attractions in your community. Join local groups and participate. Just because the events are small and not spectacular doesn't meant they aren't fun. Enjoy yourselves without breaking your budget.

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