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Friday, June 17, 2016

Pay Attention and Save Money

This may seem like odd advice, but you can save a lot of time, energy and money by doing one simple thing, paying attemtion. Many accidents, maybe most, happen because folks are not devoting their full attention to the task at hand.

I see people working with earbuds firmly tucked in, whether listening to music or talking on the phone. Seems harmless enough and if you are just walking the neighborhood, fine. When you are working around potentially dangerous equipment, it is not. If you are doing complex office work, it is also not acceptable to be half paying attention. If you are interacting with customers, it is absolutely not acceptable.

Contrary to polular belief, neurologists have  proven that we cannot multitask. When we think we are, our brain is actually switching from one task to another, at rapid speed, yes, but not with great efficiency. Keep it up long enough and you will make mistakes.

The mistake may be small, a papercut when opening an enevlope. However, in an instant, it may be deadly, as has been the case in things like train derailments and chemical explosions.

None of us are perfect but why go out of your way to risk an accident. Accidents cause alot of mental and physical pain and, to be mercenary for a moment, they cost a lot of money. At best, when you make unnecessary mistakes, you waste time straightening them out.

So take out the earbuds and pay attention. When you finish the task, then you can enjoy anything you want, worry free.

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