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Thursday, June 30, 2016

Make Life Easy - Clean As You Go

I don't mind working. Actually, I pretty much enjoy it, but I hate cleaning after. But, clean up isn't too bad, if you clean as you go.

Whether you're cooking, painting, working on your car or building something, you are going to make a mess. It can't be helped. Little is mote discouraging than finishing a project only to look around and realize that you have an hour's worth of cleaning. The secret is, take little breaks and straighten up then.

Say you are making dinner. After getting the basics started, stop and clean up the very little mess you have made. Then, say after you season and stir, do a bit more. Keep doing that  and when you are ready to serve, you have only the pots and pans you cooked in left to clean. Then, while the food rests (you must let meat rest a bit or it will be dry) wash those pots and pans. Then, when dinner is finished, you only have a few plates and bowls to wash. That is a lot better than realizing, after a nice meal, that you have a mountain of dishes. Also, when you spill while cooking, wipe it right then and keep your garbage can handy, don't let trash pile up. As a bonus, you will have a much safer kitchen. Trying to move hot pans and chopping vegetables in the midst of clutter and spills is a sure way to have accidents.

This same procedure applies to any job you are doing. For many years I did building maintenance and was always shocked to see people struggling to work in the mess they created. There are very few tasks that will not let you take a minute here and there to get your workplace in order and safe.

Even when I began working in kitchens I was surprised to find trained cooks trying to work in sloppy conditions. They should have known better.

Make your life easier and a lot safer. Take the time to clean as you go.

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