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Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Buying in Bulk

There are things that are cheaper, a lot cheaper to buy in bulk. Not everything, for example, you don't want to buy spices in bulk, unless you are running a restaurant; they lose flavor over time. Likewise, buying a case of lettuce is cheaper than buying a head, but it will rot before you get half way through the case, if you are buying for a normal family.

But, there is a way around such problems. Get together with family and/or neighbors and form a loose cooperative group. Buy in quantity, divide the purchase and the cost and everybody saves, and, again, you can save a lot.

This doesn't just apply to produce. Canned and boxed goods can be purchased in case lots, as can cleaning supplies. Frozen vegetables are very cheap when you buy by the case. Again, just divide the purchase and the cost, and everybody's happy.

When it comes to meat, the savings get even bigger, but, generally, when bought that way, the meat is in big pieces. So, if possible given your finances and room, buy a freezer. They aren't cheap, but they will, if used wisely, pay for themselves fairly quickly. You will also need a good chef's knife and a cutting board. With a little practice, you will learn to cut those big pieces of meat to size with no trouble. For example, ground chuck can often be bought in 10 pound tubes that come 8 to a case. You divide the case with 3 others and you each have 20 pounds of ground chuck for a fraction of what you pay retail.

Where do you buy in large amounts? If you live near any urban area, you will likely have a food distribution company that services restaurants fairly near by. Contact them. They often will sell to private citizens if the quantity is large enough. I know that Sysco opens to the general public once a week, and there are other distributors that you can work something out with.

Let me add 2 notes. When you buy meat in this manner, you will get good meat. It will not be what you get in the finest steakhouse so keep your expectations real, but it is good quality. Second, before you place the order, sit down with your buying partners and write out the order. Make sure everyone gets a copy and that they know what they are getting and how much they are paying. It is best to avoid any possible disagreements.

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