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Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Gardening - Choosing Varieties

I am going to end this series on gardening with a discussion of the incredible varieties of plants available. The possibilities are head spinning. But, a little common sense is all you need.

Let's take tomatoes for example, although these guidelines apply to all plants. Some varieties do well in full sun, some in partial shade. Some like the hear of mid-summer, some, the mild springs, Some grow as vines and require support, while some grow as bushes. Among the bushes, there are various heights. And there are other variables, like length of growing season, moisture required. So, what do you do?

Simple. First, pick a variety that suits your climate and when you are planting. Then, look at the conditions in your garden; size, watering arrangements, how much direct sun it gets, what is your soil condition, what else you are planting. Then look at the information that comes with your plants, on the seed packet, if that's how you are starting or on the pot if you are buying seedlings. If you are still undecided, there are many handbooks and online sites that will tell you everything you could possibly need to know. If you don't have time for that, just stop by any nursery, they will help or, better still, talk to neighbors who have gardens.

This series has been only a brief introduction to gardening. My intention is simple. I would like to see more people enjoying this healthful pastime and saving some money by growing their own produce.

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