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Wednesday, October 26, 2016

The Internet

I just wanted to write a short note today about something that almost slipped my mind. Due to Hurricane Matthew, I was without internet access, recently, for 10 days. I have mentioned this before and I will say it again. Stop being so dependent on the internet.

It was a bit of a shock for about a day, and then I began doing all the things I could have been doing all that time I was online looking at, well, junk. It's worse than TV. Right now, I am doing my blogs and looking for a publisher for some fiction I have written. Other than that, I am not using my internet much at all.

I am also writing this because of the recent news events. Russia and the us are seemingly engaging in ever escalating cyber espionage. recently, hackers got into some Russian agency. Other hackers shut down Amazon, Netflix and Twitter, among other things. Banks, Credit Companies, and various stores are hacked. So is, from time to time, the Defense  Department and the State Department. Just ask Hillary.

So far, the damages, while serious, are not catastrophic. There is so much redundancy that it is unlikely that the internet can be totally shut down, unless of course some one sets off some sort of electromagnetic pulse or a serious Solar event occurs and then the internet will be the least of our worries. But, some shutdowns and some sabotage is almost a sure bet, as are continues t hefts of credit information. I urge every one to start rethinking their dependence on the internet. Besides, just think of all the other things you can do.

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