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Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Take Care When Driving

Driving safety may seem like an odd topic for this blog, but hang on and you'll see my point.

A few years back, I was fairly broke. Driving to a store one day, I forgot that I was entering a mini-speed trap. For a two block range, the speed limit dropped from 50 to 35 and then back up to 50. I stayed at 50 and, sure enough, got pulled over and ticketed. The police periodically parked in that area and, at time, had 4 or 5 cars pulled over. I knew this and simply forgot.

Well, I had no argument. He had me and I was fined $145. Of course, my insurance also went up. At that point in time, I was just getting by financially and the fines and increase created a few weeks of hardship.

I have seen the same thing happen several times to folks I knew. I have had friends and acquaintances get in wrecks that were their fault, sometimes with no car insurance, or inadequate insurance. They ended up buried in debt, all because of a moment's lapse in attention.

I have also known folks who ended up with severe financial, personal, and legal problems because they drove in a somewhat altered state of consciousness.

My point is that in  all such cases, using a little common sense and paying attention to what you are doing, especially when operating a car, can save you a whole lot of time aggravation and money. Being practical is not just about fixing things and handling money. It also means avoiding unnecessary expense and stress.

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