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Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Do Things Right and Avoid Trouble

I am just returning to blogging after a short layoff. We, after Hurricane Matthew, were without the internet for 10 days I have been waiting to write this blog because we almost had a very avoidable disaster.

We were not hit all that hard, but, things did get a bit rocky for a while. My guess, and I have seen many tropical storms and hurricanes, is that our winds were about a steady 60mph for a few hours with gusts to maybe 80.

Across the street from where we live there is a business which at some point, put up a metal structure for employees to park under. It was about 10 feet by 12 feet and looked like a storage shed with no sides. They seem to have forgotten to properly secure it to the ground.

When the worst of the wind hit, the entire structure was tipped on its side and scooted across the road, at high speed. Luckily, it only sideswiped one car and slammed into a tree. Had it hit a person, it would have killed them and, had it not hit the tree, it would have ended up in someone's apartment.

I looked it over the next day and it was easy to tell that it had never been anchored to the ground, just set in place. This is amazingly negligent and it is very fortunate that no one was seriously injured.

Folks, please, if you are going to do something, do it right.

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