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Monday, October 24, 2016

Sleep Aids

Americans, we are told, do not sleep enough. I don't know about the rest of the World, but in this Country, a lot of folks are starting their days groggy and stumbling along in a fog. You cannot do your work safely and efficiently if you don't get enough rest.

How much is enough? That's kind of hard to say. The only guideline seems to be what works for you. The standard is 7 to 9 hours a night, but there are some who feel perfectly rested with only 4 to 6 hours. I, personally no of no one who does well with less than 4, but I don't know everyone and if you do well with 3, then that's right for you. If you need more that 9, I suggest you see a doctor. Something may be wrong.

Some folks who don't sleep well try various aids. Some work, some don't. If you have trouble sleeping, watch your caffeine intake, especially late in your day. Do not use alcohol as a sleep aid. If you drink enough to knock yourself out, you likely will not dream, and you must dream, the body and mind demand it. The same goes for a lot of sleeping pills.

In the old days barbiturates and Quaaludes were used and they have the same drawbacks as alcohol. Same goes for Valium and Xannx. A common over-the-counter remedy is diphenyl hydramine, or Benedril. This will help you get to sleep and you will dream, but I guarantee that your dreams will be bizarre and you will not wake refreshed.

There are a few things that work with little side effect. Herbs like chamomile, passion flower, hops, and valerian are, when taken as directed, very effective and have little after effect. Same for melatonin. With melatonin and herbs, just don't take too much. Use them as directed.

Warm milk actually works. It contains the amino acid l-tryptamine and it will help you get to sleep.

Meditation often helps and is very easy to learn. The simplest form I know of is just breathing easily and counting your breaths.

Whatever works for you, please get enough sleep. You will function a whole lot better during your day.

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