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Monday, September 26, 2016

The Practical Importance of Goofing Off

Fall is almost here and that means back to school for kids, and, sooner than you can believe, the Holidays will arrive. Fall is traditionally a hectic time of the year as we get geared up for the even more hectic, and fun, season of Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years.

So, as you are running here and there, driving the kids to school and games and various other events, and dealing with bosses who are trying to maximize their years profits, and, in this year, trying to figure out the more than puzzling Presidential campaign, I want you to remember one thing. You must, occasionally, at least twice a day, take a few moments to do absolutely nothing. Goof off a bit. It's good for body, mind and soul.

You cannot push all the time. I know. I have tried. Oh, for brief periods you can, but try to avoid those situations. After all, no matter what we tell ourselves or what others may say, there are really very few emergencies that have to be dealt with immediately.

Find time, make time, every day to just do nothing. Don't work, don't read, no TV, preferably no talking. Just do nothing. The longer the period the better. Whatever you are not doing at the moment, will still be there when you start up again and I am pretty sure that Empires will not crumble and The four Horsemen will not start saddling up for the Apocalypse.

Taking time to goof off, to do nothing, is like hitting a reset button. When you start back, your mind will be clear and your body at ease. You will get back to your chores refreshed and working with a lot more efficiency. So go ahead. Goof off a bit. You have my permission and trust me, I won't tell a soul.

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