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Thursday, September 22, 2016

Bottled Water

Bottled water is still being consumed in ridiculous amounts. I would have thought that folks would have wised up by now. First, the plastic bottles are, at the current rate of consumption, going to cover the planet one day. Second, it, in almost all cases is just tap water, run through a simple filter (if that).

Simple filters will screen out larger particles, that is all. True, you will get rid of any sediment, but that is not the health concern. To filter out the harmful chemicals, such as lead, chlorine, fluorides, arsenic, etc. you need better filters.

What kind? Well, reverse osmosis is a popular choice. When used, you get roughly the equivalent of distilled water. In both distilled water and water processed by reverse osmosis, all minerals are stripped out. The down side? There are minerals in water that we need. Try raising a plant with distilled water. Unless you feed it heavily with a fertilizer containing trace minerals, it will not do well at all. You can drink completely pure water, but you best plan on taking some kind of mineral supplement.

The ideal filter is a mixed media filter. They selectively process the water, removing what you do not want and leaving what you do. If you are worried about water purity, look into this.

But, when it comes to bottled water, you are not getting anything but slightly filtered tap water. Buy a simple filter, and a re-usable plastic bottle, and pour your own. You will save much money and a lot of environmental wear and tear.

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