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Saturday, September 17, 2016

Finding Jobs - Be Careful

If you are out of work, the temptation is to grab the first job you are offered. Face it, sometimes you have no choice. But, try not to get in that place. When you start your job hunting, apply to several spots; give yourself some options.

In my last post, I gave a reminder; while the employer is interviewing you, you should be interviewing her/ him. You are going to be spending a good deal of your waking life working for this person. Do you find her/ him likable? You do not have to feel that you are going to become best buddies, but there should be at least a little rapport. Do you feel uneasy? If you are sure that this is not just your nerves, then do not discount that feeling. Mind you, paranoia is not a good idea, but trusting your instincts is and there are unpleasant folks out there.

Listen closely. I have heard potential employers say amazing things during interviews. I have heard anti-Semitic, racist, sexist, and homophobic remarks rear their nasty little heads during such interviews and, if they do, you should excuse yourself and leave.

Sometimes, I have seen interviewers interrupted by their staff, asked questions or asked to sign papers, that sort of thing, and, in those cases, pay attention.. Notice how they interact with employees. I have heard, in such instances, employers almost bite the head off the interrupter. That may be a clue that, no matter how well your interview is going, this might not be the job for you.

Does the interviewer seem nervous, ill tempered, reluctant to answer questions or give exact answers? You need to notice and consider these things. Remember. You do not have to take a job just because it is offered to you. Trust your observations and instincts.

Of course, if you are broke and the rent is due, you mat have to take a job even if you are fairly sure it will not work out. Okay, you have to do, what you have to do. Just, after staring that job, keep looking around. Be ready to move to another job as soon as you can. Do not become married to any job. Stay light on your feet and ready to move.

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