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Monday, September 12, 2016

Back to School Time - Speak and Write English Properly

I read on line articles and blogs here and there and listen to people talking, and it seems that speaking and writing proper English has become something of a lost art. Now, when at home or when hanging out with friends, relax and speak in any way you are comfortable. As far as writing, I write some fiction and I have to have my characters speak in a way that is true to them.

But, in business situations, you really should be able to speak the language the way it is supposed to be spoken, especially when you first encounter new customers and/or new business associates. When you get to know them a bit, then things can relax a little, sometimes, but not always. Why is this important?

First, it let's others know that you have manners and respect and a decent education. Second, English is a pretty precise language. When you speak it properly, others should have no problem understanding what you mean. When you lapse into slang or sloppy grammar, meanings can get blurry and, in a great many situations, blurry meanings can lead to disastrous results.

In writing, it is even more essential to use the language properly. If you write clear, grammatically proper sentences, with subject, verb, adjectives and adverbs all properly positioned, your meaning will be clear. It is also vital that you understand tenses of verbs and the proper use of pronouns if you want others to know what you mean.

It seems that, somehow, kids are graduating from high school, and even college, without the skills required to effectively communicate in the English language. Reading, speaking, and writing your native language is a must if you want to get anywhere in the business world. I find it fascinating that very often Europeans, who have learned English as a second language, speak English far better than many Americans.

If you have trouble speaking, writing, or reading (especially reading) English, please do not be embarrassed. Instead, take a course or two. They are available on line, some for free, and in many communities  at night schools and community colleges. Just gaining skill in using the English language will help you in your search for decent jobs.

One last thing, and this is strictly a personal thought. The English language is beautiful when written and spoken properly. Learning English skills will open the whole world of literature to you, a world of new ideas, great adventures and explorations of what it means to be human.

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