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Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Using Ladders

I have seen many, many folks suffer injuries, ranging from minor scrapes to permanent back problems, because they did not use their head when using ladders, If I dwell on accident prevention it is because, as a practically minded individual, I know that accidents cost people a whole lot of money and aggravation. Hurting yourself is going to mean lost work, which means lost pay and it is also going to cost you time spent enjoying your life. I have hurt my back so badly that I could not even sleep without taking a substantial quantity of drugs.

First, make sure your ladders are stable. If the have loose rungs or wobble, fix them or replace them Second, make sure they are long enough. If you have to climb to the very top rung, you know, the one marked 'do not stand here,' then do not use that ladder for that job. This even applies to those little step stools we use around the house.

Whenever possible, if you are using anything more than say a ten foot ladder, have someone steady the ladder, especially if you are carrying tools or supplies. I know, at work, your boss may say no to that and if that happens, do your job, and start scouting around for another. Yes, we all need that paycheck, but in the long run, an accident is going to cost you a lot. If you are on good terms with your boss, and he is generally reasonable, you may want to gently remind him that if you are injured, his workman's  comp insurance is going through the roof.

If you are working on scaffolding,, you will be given a harness. If you do not wear it, you are an idiot. Make sure, when working on ladders or scaffolding, that you are wearing appropriate shoes. I have seen guys painting their houses on weekends, wearing flip flops. This is amazingly dangerous, not to mention hard on the feet.

If you are setting up a long extension ladder, insist on help. I saw a guy doing that alone on a windy day. A gust turned it in his hands and he spent several months recovering from his back injury.

Used carefully, ladders are perfectly safe. Well, reasonably safe, anyway; odd things happen occasionally no matter how many precautions you take. However, you must take all of those precautions. Do not hurt yourself.

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