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Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Stay Away From The Stock Market

We all like making money and the Stock Market seems, to some, to be a good way to do that. Maybe, at times, but not at this time.

I am not an economist or any sort of financial whiz but I come from a long line of gamblers and con men. I know when someone is trying to hustle me. The current rise in the Market to record highs is a scam. Do not get caught in it.

There are no reasons for the Market to keep rising. The economy, as shown by the last GCP report, is sluggish. Unemployment figures are manipulated. For example, if you do not look for a job in 4 weeks, you are dropped from the unemployment roles. If you take a part time job, you are dropped from the rolls. The real unemployment figures are around 20%,  higher if you are black or Latin and sky high for all young people. This is not to mention those who have settled for low paying jobs that don't pay the bills.

Inflation rates are said to be low. That is true in some areas but food medicine and housing, especially rental housing, are through the roof. Senior citizens are getting no cost of living increases.

Add into that the fact that the payments for Obamacare are eating into family budgets and the rates are going up. Top that off with the massive debts young people are coming out of college with. The economy is not good, not at all. Yet, the Market keeps climbing.

There was a big drop right after the Brexit, the the rapid climb began. Now, there was absolutely no reason for that drop except that the Media went into a frenzy of doom saying. The investors saw the prices drop and bought low. Soon, they will sell and reap huge profits. At the same time, prices will drop and, once again, the average investor will be the one hurt, and hurt badly.

Do not gamble your money on Stocks. You may as well take a trip to Florida, head to Gulfstream Racetrack and put it all on the longest shot in the first race.

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