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Friday, August 19, 2016

Stay Calm and Stay Efficent

When you are working, or just when you are living, the unexpected happens. Some freak accident, some unforeseen situation, an unwanted interruption. Your whole routine, your basic plan, is suddenly upset.

All of us deal with this in our own ways. Some yell and curse (always my favorite), some hold it in  and fuss and fume for hours, some just quit and walk off. Occasionally, some will resort to throwing things and slamming walls, or simply breaking things. Now, be honest, all of us do one or all of these things from time to time.

None of these are effective. True, you might feel a minutes relief but, when you're done, you still have the same problem. Actually, by the time you settle down, the problem may be worse.

All of us need to find a quick and efficient way to deal with such frustrations. I know of one (no, not having a quick drink or two. I've tried that and it and generally makes things worse). There is a simple technique and if you just trust it, you'll be back at it in seconds, calm and ready to go.

Simply breathe deeply. Deep breath in, hold briefly, then out. Do that 10 times, concentrating on nothing but feeling the flow of air, in and out of your lungs. I guarantee that you will calm right down and feel a whole lot better.

When you are calm, you function more efficiently. It is great to get excited when you are doing fun things but excitement over a problem  with a job is ineffective, in fact detrimental. So, learn to take a few deep breaths and just chill out.

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