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Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Trade Schools

I don't work anymore, at least not at a regular scheduled job, so I seldom look at job listings. Recently, for some reason, I glanced at some listings and was not surprised by what I saw. There are jobs, just not a lot of good ones. If you have to work, you will find something if you are diligent in your search.

However, surely you want to do more than just get by. Now, if you really want to make it, I would recommend you stay away from business training. Think a minute. You have countless graduates leaving colleges with business degrees. The market is saturated. Same thing for IT work. Yes, that training will get you a job but, with more people trained for that,  the harder it is to get a job and the less it will pay.
Hospitality and food service, hotels, restaurants, etc. are areas where you can always find work and believe me, you will work. the pay is low, the stress is high and, having done it, I would stress the fact that these jobs are not for everyone. Some love it, but you should know, you will not be well paid until you work your way up to management. upper management.
Health care is another employment option where you will always find a job if you have the right training but, it is another area that has a lot of qualified people so, again, the wages won't be very high.

There are some areas that always need workers and, since too many young people overlook trade schools, there are always openings and good wages. Welding, tool and die, plumbing, carpentry (finish carpentry and cabinet making), electrician, car repair, air conditioning, refrigeration. All of these jobs require training and there are schools to get that training. Usually, the cost for these programs is not very high and once you are qualified, you will always have a job, a good one.

If those trades are not for you, consider another option, one that requires training, but not a 4 year degree. Many community colleges offer programs in the areas of medical technology and biotechnology, in other words, lab work. There are openings in these fields that pay well. You may never get rich, but you will be comfortable.

To young people out there: if you don't feel that you want to go through a 4 year college program, get yourself into a community college or trade school program. The costs usually are not high, you can go and still have time for a part time job to keep money coming in and the programs generally don't take that long to complete. Think about it.

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