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Monday, December 18, 2017

See You Nexr Year

'Tis the Season and I will give no thought for the next 2 weeks to practical matters. So, until January 2, so long. Merry Christmas and Happy New Tear to all

Monday, December 11, 2017

Time to Recharge Your Batteries

The Holidays are wonderful, full of joy and family, parties and fiid, song and drink.

For retail businesses, this is a time to try to pull a profit out of so-so years.
If you work in retail outlets, this is the time of year to rack up overtime. You will be exhausted but better off financially by January 2.

But, many work at jobs that slow down a bit during the Holidays.The weather is curtailing ourdoor jobs. Few are remodeling homes when guesrs are arriving and no one wants to but washers and dryers when their bust buying Christmas presents.
Those who have a slow time during the Season need to take advantage. Slow down, rest and spend time with loved ones. Don't push, don't worry, just coast for a couple of weeks
At the same time. don't be too obvious. Don't sit with your feet up on your desk at work, sipping egg nog and dozing Show some respect and hide when you goof odd. Your boss will still know your slacking off, but he doesb;t want his nise rubbed in it.

I really want all of you to goof off as much as possible for the rest of the year.. Next year figures to be a bit hectic.

Monday, December 4, 2017

'Tis the Season to Get Chubby

Yes, the Holidays are here and so are the cookies and egg nog and alcohol and stuffing and pie and, well you get the idea. I, like most of you, intend to enjoy myself and indulge, occasionally to excess.

The important word there is occasionally. You do not want to leave the Season 30 pounds overweight, suffering from acid reflux and fighting your blood pressure. In fact, for those with hifg blood pressure and/or diabetes, the holidays can be a dangerous time,

The answer is simple and as old as man, use moderation. One cookie, nit three, Ine spoon of poraries, bit half the bowl. More of those food veggies and fruits and less ham and gravy.

We are social creatures and love sharing the good things of life with our fellow humans, but the important thing is sharing the sense of celebration and fellowship, The food and drink should always be secondary/

I know that you hear the same warnings and admonitions year after year, but there is a good reason for that. They are true . Enjoy the Season, but please take it easy. Start your New Year healthy and ready to roll. We all have much to do next year. And, allow me one more warning that you are likely tired of, bur it cannot be stressed enough/ Do not even think of driving of you have had more than one small drink and watch other drivers, especially late at night. Have fin, buy use your head.

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

"Tis the Season to Go Broke

I love Christmas as much as anyone and I certainly hate to be The Grinch, but folks need to use a bit of self control during the Season.

Already, I am seeing people go somewhat insane with shopping fever, a condition that never ends well. Do not spend more than you can afford and try to stay away from credit. if you cannot pay cash, do not buy it,

We all would like nothing better than to give our loved ones whatever their hearts desire, but that is not possible. Those nasty old landlords, car dealers, finance companies and grocers just refuse to grant payment amnesty through the Holidays. They, Scrooge-like, want their money and, if you are honest, so do you. Most folks would not be happy if their employers stopped paying them for the Season.

Then, after New Year, come the bills. If you have used credit, you had best pay them immedieately, in full, or you begin dealing with interest, and you will never catch up, unless you grow very thrifty and disciplined. Start with those  assets and avoid insane spending and save yourself the grief..

The Christmas Season is fun and family and, for many, a deeply spiritual time You can enhit akk od these things without going broke. Junior may nit get that video gane he wants and may sulk a bit but, I'm sure he'll enjoy having a roof over his head next year.

Use your head and have a Merry Christmas..

Monday, November 20, 2017

Cooking Fun

Being practical does not mean you cannot have fun. Thanksgiving is a prime example.
I love the traditional foods but a bit of variation can be great, You do not have to use seasoned bread crumbs as stuffing. I have used potatoes, peeled and mixed with olives and onion, Try wild rice with fruits or fruit preserves.  Couscous works well with some capers and mint or cilantro. If you use bread crumbs consider sourdough and you can add sausage or oysters.

Like mashed potatoes? Mix them with mashed turnip roots or parsnips or.
For  a different ham glaze try a mango chutney. In fact, a fine way to use leftover turkey is to make tacos with mango salsa.

For veggies, try roasting root vegetables Just cut them to a small, but not tiny  size, and toss with any herbs and olive oil. place them in a single layer on a baking sheet pan and toast until brown and tender, maybe 15 minutes. They are outstanding.

 Use your imagination, have some fun and have a Happy Thanksgiving..

Monday, November 13, 2017


Turkey day is just around the corner. Hooray, But, for many, it is a day of high stress. There is no need to stress out, have fun.

To start with, don't over do it. You do not have to cook 40 dishes, just a bit of variety.

A huge turkey and/or ham is pretty, but off you only have a few guests, go small and decorate more.

Ask everyone to bring a  dish. Most folks like to show off their specialties and this allows you to concentrate on the center of attraction.

Do not be ashamed of not cooking the whole dinner, If you have little room, talent, or time, order a meal from any of the many catering services and concentrate on the decoration  and ambience. This is especially true of desserts. They can be  messy and time consuming.

A social tip: do not start serving alcohol until dinner is about to start. If you do, serve  something mild with appetizers. Alcohol on empty stomachs is a sure way to ruin a nice party./

Remember. the food is great, but the point of Thanksgiving is to gather  and celebrate friends and family. Have fun. Happy Thanksgiving,

Monday, November 6, 2017

Wunter's Coming

Jack Frost is knocking at the doo. Well, actually, je doesn't; knock. Je barges on in. Some like him, some don't, but either way, je can be a nice guest is you are ready.

Out doors, clean up your yard before snow and ice arrive. Trash left for the season gets kind of funky when Spring gets there. If you garden, take care of any plants you hope to have next year, each has its own needs. Tend to any lawn equipment that will be put away for the Winter; you want it ready to go in the Spring.

If you love in an extreme climate, tend to your vehicle/ Winter can be very hard on cars and trucks.

If you have pets that spend part of their days outdoors, make sure they have a warm shelter, a place to get out of the wind and rain. And, please, when the weather turns extreme, take them inside.

Check furnaces. If you use electric heaters, check the wiring. Make sure you have adequate weather stripping. It will help keep heating bills down.

Then, sit`back and enjoy Winter.