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Wednesday, May 4, 2016

The Practical American

Americans are going through some rough times. Despite what many economic reporters say, the economy is at best shaky. Any slight thing, trouble abroad, somestic scandal, natural disaster, even a run of bad weather in the farm belt, will cause the whole thing to sink into a downturn that will make our last recession look like a party.

I have lived a good while now and have had periods of affluence and periods of poverty. I know how to get along with little money. I worked doing building maintenance and learned how to fix darn near anything. I have worked in kitchens and know how to cook almost anything. And, I had the good fortune to be born into a family whose roots go back to the country where people had to  be largely self-reliant. That is how they survived the Great Depression.

I also have spent some time gardening, both as a hobby and as part of my work. There is little as satisfying as eating vegetables and fruit you have grown yourself.

I have also, through research combined with practical necessity learned a good bit about how to stay healthy. I never did care much for doctors and, on the whole, find that the more I avoid them, the better I feel.

I have decided to write this blog to try and help some of my fellow Americans through the rough times facing this Nation. There is no reason to suffer if you know a few tricks to ease your way along. I hope you find my tips useful. Feel free to comment and/or ask questions.

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