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Monday, May 16, 2016

Gardening - Grow Your Own Fruit, Vegetables, and Berries

This is an introduction to a series I will be doing on Gardening. Not flowers, although I am all for flowers and will discuss them at a later time. No, I want to encourage all of you to grow a little of your own produce. Why?

Well, to save some money. That's first and for most, Done incorrectly, growing produce at home can cost you more than buying it at the store, a lot more. Done correctly, you can save a bunch of money.

Second, quality. The produce you buy at a supermarket is almost always picked green and ripened in shipment. Thus, it has not had a chance to develop its full range of nutrients. It also has not developed its full range of flavor. In addition, much of it is in the form of varieties that are specifically grown to be shipped and/or to be easier to grow on huge forms and is often just not as flavorful or nutritious. If you have a farmer's market near you, great. You can find fine produce there but, often, it is expensive.

Third, pleasure. Growing a garden is not all that hard and it is a real treat to sit down to a meal and enjoy the fruits of your labor. After all, I am not talking about planting 30 acres, just a nice garden. The work is great exercise and, if you have kids, it is a great way to get them outside and away from the computer and cell phone.

Some of the topics I will write about include soil, compost, water, feeding, pest control, varieties to plant container gardening and raised beds. I hope you enjoy the series.

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